Saturday, June 4, 2011

LaTeX and a HTML5 book

Maybe you've seen the HTML5 book google made about "the internet":

Well, they open-sourced the code two days ago, it's at google code. But I'm wondering how difficult it would be to build a LaTeX2html5 script which exports (just as latex2html) a LaTeX file to html, but this time using their code, so you get a real good looking book. It should not be too difficult, but once I have the time, I certainly will try to make that.

Off coarse, the images won't be part of the book and the only real problem I see is on how to do the splitting in pages. For the plain LaTeX text, I could use the latex2html script, but then I need to calculate the height and break the page at certain heights. This will be difficult to do when commands like \input are used or when there are a lot of formulas and figures. But nothing is impossible and it seems a fun project.

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